Climate Protection

In addition to avoiding and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacture of products, offsetting is possible through other measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions elsewhere. A CO 2 offset makes sense for CO 2 emissions that cannot be avoided in normal life. It must not be used to justify increased CO 2 emissions. Possibilities of CO 2 compensation -Promotion of alternative energy sources -Tree plantations -Protection of existing forests
The primary goal of climate protection must be to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. With regard to greenhouse gas emissions, the order should always be: This applies to energy generation, energy consumption, production processes and the daily life of every individual.




With regard to the impact of products and measures on the climate, the following terms are distinguished.

Climate neutrality

The climate is not influenced by processes, productions, actions. This can be achieved, for example, through the sole use of renewable energy or through compensatory measures.

Climate positive

Measures that have a positive impact on the climate and counteract global warming, e.g. CO 2 reduction.

Greenhouse (gas) neutrality

No greenhouse gases are emitted. Nevertheless, influences on the climate can take place. For example, the sealing of soils and thus interference with the runoff behavior of precipitation and evaporation, or, for example, changes in the reflection of thermal radiation from surfaces (albedo effect).




In the narrow sense, no CO 2 is emitted or the CO 2 emission is fully compensated. Other greenhouse gases or other effects on the climate are not taken into account.
Will be continued